
Since day one, GoTo has helped people and businesses do their best work – simply and securely – from anywhere. “Today, work and life are intertwined. "At GoTo, we like to think of ourselves as your go-to. We help you focus on the things that matter most throughout the day: your projects, your professions, and even your personal passions.” GoTo sought an employee value proposition to serve as the defining statement of how a company identifies as an employer and communicates the mutual offers made by both employer and employee; namely, the value employees can expect to receive from the organization, as well as the value they are expected to contribute. GoTo wanted a rallying cry their employees could get behind, as well as a series of tactics to amplify the EVP throughout GoTo’ s recruitment efforts.

Recruitment Marketing campaign



Moment statement

GoTo Moment Path.png

creative expression

This creative expression introduces the “GoTo Flow” graphic element to brand our careers campaign – a bold & fearless creative energy generated when job and life balance are in productive harmony. This wave of passion, purpose, ambition, and agility reverberates throughout our days to empower and define what the remote-centric workforce means for each individual on our team. Here, freedom and flexibility are the elements that shape our values as we think big, move fast, grow forward, and stay true to who we are as GoGetters at GoTo, and in our lives.

GoTo adcept rationale.png




GoTo adcept.png

Credits: This project reflects the collective contributions of a diverse team in various roles. To respect privacy, individual names have been omitted.