Loma Linda University Health (EVP + Expression)

Loma Linda University Health aimed to attract nurses, technicians, and other professionals by crafting a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Rooted in its Christ-centered Seventh-day Adventist identity, LLUH is devoted to mission-focused learning integrating health, science, and faith. The EVP centers on the idea that inquiry defines job candidates as scientists, medical professionals, and students. Asking questions goes beyond science—it reflects faith in whole-person care, a commitment to those served, and the openness to welcome all. It’s a unique blend where curiosity, faith, and comprehensive care intersect, creating an environment where professionals and students thrive in learning, healing, and serving.


LLUH Billboard EVP

LLUH adcept rationale.png

LLUH adcept.png

LLUH adcept 3.png

LLUH adcept 2.png

EVP Paths: Audience & Mission

LLUH Audience Path.png

LLUH Mission Path.png

LLUH Billboard

LLUH Homepage

Credits: This project reflects the collective contributions of a diverse team in various roles. To respect privacy, individual names have been omitted.